Accepting credit cards for payment if you own a restaurant is important. Customers enjoy the convenience of this form of payment. They may get cashback or other rewards when they pay for food with a particular credit card. Keeping your costs low while providing the best method for restaurant credit card processing is essential.

There are several options to consider, and it is wise to go with one that works well with the restaurant industry. Clover is a great option due to the low costs involved and the technology incorporated. It is also easy to use, ensuring your employees aren’t experiencing difficulties while processing payment for your customers.

Why Clover?

In addition to being an affordable system and easy to use, Clover offers excellent customer service. Should you experience any issues with the equipment, have questions or concerns about credit card processing, they will guide you through it and help you find the best solution. You will never be on your own to figure it out with this restaurant credit card processing provider in your corner!

Clover doesn’t stack on various fees which add up quickly to your account. Instead, they strive to keep the costs low for restaurant owners. You will pay a flat rate for each credit card transaction. This allows you to know what your payment to them will be without any surprises. They also offer easy-to-read monthly reports so you can stay on top of your account with them.

Once you decide on the equipment you need for your restaurant, you can go through the simple steps to set it up. If you aren’t sure of the best equipment, talk to a representative with Clover. They will ask you a few questions, give you options, and go over the pros and cons of each possibility. Armed with such details, you can feel confident in your decision.

Some of the options include:

  • Attachments for processing with a smartphone or another electronic device
  • Handheld POS
  • Mini station for staff to swipe and insert card for payment
  • Station with card swipe and insert for the customer to use

Once you select your system it will be sent to you overnight. You don’t have to wait around for the equipment to arrive. You will get any assistance you need with the setup so you can start using this tool for credit card payments in your restaurants right away.


The low cost per transaction with Clover is enticing. Keeping your overhead cost low means more money stays in the business. You may be bringing in plenty of money, but if your overhead is high, it can cause cash flow problems. It doesn’t make sense to pay high fees for credit card processing when Clover offers a great solution for less.

With Clover, you pay the same rate for all credit cards. Many providers charge you different rates based on it being a MasterCard or Visa. Not all accept American Express or Discover. Your Clover system will accept all major credit cards and the price for the transactions won’t vary based on what your customer decides to pay with.

The equipment can be purchased so you don’t have monthly fees for the use of it. Clover accepts payment in full for equipment or they divide the total into conveniently monthly payments over a period of time. You can decide which works best for your needs and your budget. The goal is for you to get what you need now and not feel overwhelmed by the process or the cost involved to get it all in place.


Security is a top priority with Clover, and advanced features are built into the POS. This reduces the risk of any customer suffering from their data being taken from your system. It also reduces the risk of credit card fraud slipping through the cracks. Such measures can give you peace of mind and help you protect customers.

The top-notch security is in place with multi-layers, making it extremely difficult for information to be compromised. Hackers and scammers look for easy targets. The security is regularly updated too, ensuring the best practices are always in place for your restaurant to benefit from with payments.


There isn’t a one size fits all concept for restaurants and how they choose to set up their credit card processing. With Clover equipment, the foundation is already installed for you. From that point, you can customize the features to help be efficient, for your accounting method, and other variables. Most restaurant owners love this feature as it helps them be flexible and to gain the most value from the equipment they use to process those payments.

As your business grows and changes, the equipment you have won’t be outdated or leaving you wishing for more from it. You have the ability and flexibility to modify the setup at any time. You can do so on your own or with the assistance of a Clover representative.


There aren’t any hardware requirements to get Clover in motion for your credit card payment processing. This reduces the overall cost for a restaurant to get this implemented and speeds up the amount of time it takes. While you will gain value from sophisticated software, tools, and apps, you don’t have to pay for expensive hardware to make it compatible.

The Clover POS makes it easy for you to access credit card payments at your restaurant. The equipment is easy to use and easy to set up. The transactions can be done easily and quickly, helping each customer to have a great experience after they eat or when they pay for an order to go.

For your convenience, there are different types of equipment available for Clover POS. Take a look at the options to evaluate them and determine the best solution for your restaurant setup. With it all in place, your restaurant credit card process is a breeze! The equipment comes with the basics pre-installed. You can add what you need to customize the setup for your restaurant.

If your restaurant is mobile, don’t worry. Clover offers POS for that type of design too. This includes systems that work with your phone or other electronic devices such as a tablet. Anywhere you decide to offer food, there is a credit card processing method from Clover to make it possible!


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