Third Party Payment Processors Association

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Third Party Payment Processors Association (TPPPA) Serves to Promote nterests of Payment Processors, their Financial Institutions and their Merchants

What are Third Party Payment Processors?

Third party payment processors are non-banks that offer processing services to merchants and other businesses. With retail business occurring both online and at brick-and-mortar locations, processors are providing their services to a variety of merchant accounts. Third party payment processors typically use a commercial bank account to conduct payment processing for their merchants and the bank does not have a direct relationship with the merchant. The Third Party Payment Processors Association (TPPPA) serves to promote the interests of payment processors, their financial institutions and their merchants.

What is TPPPA all About?

Located in our nation’s capital, TPPPA promotes compliance as the road to achieving integrity and excellence in the payments industry. Today’s regulatory environment makes it difficult for processors and financial institutions to stay informed of third party compliance obligations. The TPPPA has created their own Compliance Management System, or CMS, which has been “expertly crafted to deliver policies that are tailored to the unique needs and responsibilities of TPPPA members” according to their site. Members of TPPPA are also provided training opportunities on issues of compliance that are affecting third party payment processors.

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TPPPA also upholds the following pillars, detailed on their site, as components of their organization:

  • Advocacy. The TPPPA advocates on behalf of its members as to the vital role payment processors play in our economy. By promoting and representing the interest of the payments industry on Capitol Hill and with regulators, rule-making bodies and law enforcement, the TPPPA supports the integrity and operational excellence of the industry.
  • Leadership. The TPPPA provides leadership to the industry by working with stakeholders to explore opportunities for innovation and examine solutions to incorporate regulatory mandates. Our strong leadership promotes emerging technologies and products that are cutting-edge and compliant.
  • Support. All TPPPA members receive exclusive and ongoing training, guidance and compliance support. Financial Institutions and Processors members have access to our exclusive Compliance Management Systems (CMS) as part of their member benefits. Members participate in balanced and insightful analyses of responses to impending regulatory and rules amendments, to ensure our members’ perspectives are always considered.

Membership Benefits

Members of TPPPA can be voting, non-voting, or affiliate processors and their benefits include:

  • Shared knowledge among the nation’s leading processors and financial institutions
  • Access to TPPPA’s proprietary Compliance Management System (CMS)
  • Lobbying representation in Washington, D.C.
  • Exclusive opportunities for business partnerships and strategic alliances among all members
  • Additional benefits through TPPPA alliances
  • Exclusive access to content on the TPPPA website
  • Real-time analyses and updates on critical industry issues

Current membership includes payment processors (ACH, cards, payroll processing), financial institutions, OCC, FDIC, and FRB chartered banks. Becoming a member is as easy as completing a form that can be downloaded from the Third Party Payment Processors Association site

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