Protect Your Online Payment Processing From Phishing

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When online payment processing at your business has the potential to be jeopardized, you want to make sure you’re taking as many precautions against the risk as possible. While there is no way to 100% guarantee the security of yours and your customer financial information, you should always be aware of what hacking methods are gaining traction and take steps against them. One major threat toward your business? Phishing. Are you equipped with phishing protection?

Phishing occurs when cybercriminals electronically steal data by sending email to businesses and consumers under false contact addresses, sometimes from the businesses being targeted or a reputable bank, in order to procure sensitive information such as passwords, credit card numbers and customer information. Phishing does not require a great amount of effort but the payouts can be significant to phishers when successful. It is the responsibility of a business to be aware of the phishing climate and acquire a phishing protection solution in order to protect their business and customers.

Phishing has become one of the more popular ways to get a hold of personal and financial information in the last several years. The year 2016 was one of the worst years of phishing scams recorded with a 65% increase of infiltrations up from 2015, but there are ways to combat those who try to phish. Entrepreneur offers 12 tips to protect against phishing, but here are a few to start.

Restrict Access Control: Too many cooks in the kitchen is a cliché for a reason, and it doesn’t just apply to restaurants. Many times in business, multiple people will have admin access to financial and customer accounts or personal information about your business, and more people having access means more opportunities for phishing. This could spell trouble for future online payment processing were there to be a compromise, so try to come up with usernames and passwords that are not easily guessed, and do not store this information on your computer. Limit the number of login attempts permitted within a specific time frame, and find alternate ways to send password reset links other than email, as those can become vulnerable to phishing as well.

Stay Up-To-Date: Every day there are new online payment processing technologies and new softwares to amp up security for those and other aspects of your business. Take advantage. If your system could use some security updates years of the same, make room in your budget to allow that. You cannot put a price on the security of your customer information if you want your business to prosper.

Firewalls Are Your Friend: As you keep a close eye on the transfers of sensitive information, it doesn’t hurt to have an extra set of eyes on the inside. Installing a firewall puts an extra step of scrutiny between your website server and the data connection, and will carefully go through all data that tries to pass through it. It can help to filter out spammers, unwanted traffic, and people going phishing.

If you want your online payment processing to continue running smoothly, it is essential to stay knowledgeable about fraud and scams like phishing. PYMNTS shared that the FTC reported how many major online businesses do not have enough cybersecurity to go up against fraud and phishing. Here at Payline, we want to ensure you’re protected against fraud, and offer services to assist in this, but it is clear that online companies need to take a good look at their current security. It is not easy to stay ahead of an invisible cyber attacker, but you can take action now to make it as difficult as possible for them to be successful in the future.

Online payment processing goes hand-in-hand with phishing protection, and Payline is prepared to work with you to keep both covered.

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This piece was written by Lauren Minning, Content Specialist for Payline.

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