10 Best Credit Card Machine For Business

Running a small business can be hard. Growing it, even more so. But when you hit the point where your business is doing well enough to require payment solutions beyond cash or check, you face an added challenge. The best credit card machine for any given business will depend on how much you’re processing each month, what type of operation your business is, and whether you have specific needs – like PCI compliance, for example. Here are the 10 most popular Credit Card Machine For Business.

1. Square Reader

The Square Reader is an inexpensive way to accept credit cards using smartphones or tablets with internet access (you’ll need one of these, too). It’s especially useful if you already have a mobile phone or tablet that you would like to use as your point-of-sale system. Plus, unlike some credit card processing solutions, there’s no contract required.

You will need to connect the reader with an iOS or Android device via USB, or you can simply take photos of the credit cards using the free Square app. There are no monthly fees for this service, but there is a flat 2.75% transaction fee.

2. Square Register

The upgraded version of Square Reader, the newly released Square Register has two big differences that make it better suited to larger businesses: integrated inventory management and multiple connectivity options (USB, Ethernet). It’s also compatible with more types of software – including QuickBooks – which may be useful if you already use QuickBooks in your business. Like its predecessor, there are no monthly fees associated with Square Register, only a per-transaction rate of 2.75%.

3.PayPal Here

PayPal has its own credit card reader, PayPal Here, which is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. That means you don’t have to buy specific hardware for your business – just the type of phone or tablet that best suits your needs. Like Square Reader, there are no monthly fees with PayPal Here, only a 2.7% transaction fee per swipe (or manually entered transaction). However, if you need point-of-sale software compatibility, PayPal can hook you up: register for an account here.

4. Manual Swiper

If the thought of processing credit cards without a physical card reader gives you cold sweats, take heart. Manual swipers fit in your pocket and cost less than portable card readers. They’re also more compatible with different types of software, including QuickBooks. Plus, they require no batteries or charging. Just slide the credit card through the slot, type in the transaction amount – voila! The downside is that you have to enter transactions manually, so it may not be ideal for businesses where there are long lines of customers waiting to check out.


The PayAnywhere portable card reader works with all iOS and Android devices without the need for a USB connection (many swipers still force you to do this). It’s useful if your sales employees work on various kinds of phones or tablets, but want one streamlined business-wide payment solution. There are no monthly fees with PayAnywhere (only transaction fees), but the fee structure is slightly more complicated than some other options.

6. Intuit GoPayment

If you need point-of-sale software compatibility, Intuit can hook you up. Enter your email address for more information on the company’s free, full-featured mobile credit card processing solution (including inventory management!). You will be contacted in about two weeks via phone or e-mail with a link to the app download page. There are no monthly fees with this service either, but Intuit charges an 18 cent fee per transaction – which is significantly higher than most other options on the market.

7. Stax by Fattmerchant

Stax is an ideal solution for businesses with multiple employees. With its customizable features, you can fine-tune your business’s card processing experience to your exact preferences (and reduce the time it takes to ring up customers). This service doesn’t require a monthly fee or contract, but you will be charged 2.69% of each transaction.

It’s important to note that you will have to sign up for the service before you can process credit cards. However, there are no monthly fees or subscription fees – just transaction fees.

8. Shopify POS

For small businesses that want to automate inventory management, the Shopify POS system offers a smart solution. This attractive-looking credit card reader can be attached to an iPad or Android tablet, making it useful for restaurants, clothing stores, furniture shops, and other businesses with unique needs. Like most mobile card processing services, there are no monthly fees with this service either – just transaction fees.

9. Takepayments

TakePayments offers a free app for iOS and Android devices. It has an attractive, user-friendly interface that’s halfway between a traditional credit card machine and a mobile version. If your business is worried about security, TakePayments can hook you up: the service utilizes tokenization, which replaces sensitive payment data with unique, non-sensitive numbers. There are no monthly fees or contract obligations on this service either – just transaction fees.

10. Pro Merchant

Pro Merchant is a cloud-based credit card processing solution created by Intuit. This means it integrates easily with QuickBooks (and other popular accounting software packages). It also uses tokenization to protect sensitive payment information. Finally, are no monthly fees associated with this service – just transaction fees.

Payment methods for credit card machines


Involves sliding credit cards through a card reader.


Cards are read by inserting them into the machine face up so an electronic chip can be scanned. Chip-and-signature

Contactless (tap-and-go)

Use contactless payment terminals to enable contactless transactions. Contactless systems are usually accessed by tapping or waving the card in front of the machine. Near-field communication (NFC) cards can be tapped against a terminal located on, for instance, a vendor’s countertop. Contactless credit cards have an embedded chip that works in much the same way as tap-and-go technology.

A business needs to keep an efficient credit card machine in order to run its smooth operations. Credit Card Machine For Business is a very useful tool that every small and big company should have for their smooth running. Given above are some of the best machines that you can choose for your company according to its need and requirement. You can go through each one of them and check out the pros and cons before making a final choice. There are huge varieties of credit card machines available in the market, so it’s advised to do thorough research before zeroing on a particular model.

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