How to Accept Credit Card Payments Online: What You Need to Know

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It’s obvious that business owners in the eCommerce space need to know how to accept credit card payments online, but many business types – including retail brick-and-mortar – can use online credit card processing to meet their business needs. Payline has provided the answers to your frequently asked questions below on how to accept credit card payments in order to see business success.


Is Online Credit Card Processing Secure?

Yes, if you do your homework. In your quest for learning how to accept credit card payments online, be sure to look for a processor who has the right security in place and is completely PCI compliant. This is critical to your success; just because you accept credit cards online doesn’t mean that you’re automatically safe from the threat of crime against your business. An SSL encryption will be of further importance to your success as it provides an extra layer of protection for your customers’ information.

One thing you can do today to help secure your online payment processing is to complete an audit of your payment system. You can hire an expert to evaluate your current security measures, or you can work with your online payment processing provider to better understand security measures you can take against any vulnerabilities.


How Much Will This Cost My Business? 

For merchants running a small business, pricing is typically the top factor that is considered for almost all decisions. That’s why it’s important to choose a processor who has a reputation for transparency in their pricing plans. A business owner must first recognize that credit card processing involves more than just providing a gateway – credit card brands and banks are just a few of the other players that charge you a fee for the role that they play in your ability to accept credit cards online or in store. A transparent payment processing company will provide you with a detailed breakdown of where you are being charged (and why) so you can determine if their processing is realistic based on your monthly transaction volume.

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