Understanding Credit Card Processing in a Chiropractor’s Business

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As a chiropractor, you have a lot on your plate. Hopefully, you’re seeing clients on a regular basis and getting more each day. You’ve developed your marketing plan and put it into practice. You’re working on excellent customer service, and you’re trying to balance the bills and checkbook. As technology grows, you’re expected to learn about SEO, digital advertising, new technological systems, and such, all to better cater to your clients. The last thing you want to worry about is your payment system. But before you begin, just know that credit card processing for chiropractors doesn’t have to be complicated.

There’s nothing worse than being right in the middle of seeing your patients, who are suffering from terrible back pain, and then being bothered by the front receptionist because the credit card processor or terminal isn’t working properly. Now, you’re tasked with understanding how credit card processing for chiropractors works and how to fix your system. Remember, you’re a chiropractor, not a gadget whiz, technology know-all, or computer genius. Keep it simple and be open, so that you can get back to your patients. Understanding how credit card processing for chiropractors works is very important. It’s how you receive your payments in the modern world.

Customer Presents Credit Card

Again, you’ve already marketed to your patient through social media or using some type of chiropractor SEO tactic, and they’ve just had a session with you. The first step to credit card processing for chiropractors is that the patient presents their payment to your credit card reader. You will swipe, dip or, tap the payment on your credit card terminal.

Their Payment Is Sent to the Processor

After they have inserted their card into the reader, it is then sent to the processor. This is provided by your merchant account provider, whichever company that might be that you’ve chosen to go with. When looking for a good processor, you’ll want to look at a few things. For example, transaction speed, good real-time data collection, fair rates taken from your transactions, and great customer support. Once the processor takes this information from your client, the information is then sent to their bank. This is via the credit card company network, such as Visa or Mastercard.

Their Bank Approves or Denies the Transaction

Next, the bank will then approve or deny the transaction. They do this by looking at factors of the information sent to them. Such as, the card number and the name on the card, or how much funds are available at that time and many other factors.

Approval Is Sent Back to the Processor

Then, once the transaction gets approved, it’s sent back to the processor that you’ve chosen. Then it is sent back to your terminal or credit card reader. All of these successful batches that you’ve gathered throughout the day. Depending on how your setup is, your payments are usually stored and batched at the end of the day, As you can see, credit card processing for chiropractors isn’t that complicated so far. It’s just a lot of moving parts that have to happen first.

Customer Account Is Charged, and You Receive Payment

Last, the customer’s account is charged and you’ll see that successful “transaction approved” message on your credit reader! It’s the most glorious message you can see, especially if you’re a business owner. This means that their account was charged, and your business bank account will receive the money shortly. All of your hard work giving back adjustments and pain therapy is finally beginning to pay off. You can rest knowing that your payment system works, and you have a great credit card processing company working with you on the sidelines.

Credit Card Processing for Chiropractors | Conclusion

Credit card processing for chiropractors doesn’t have to be complicated. If you understand how the system works, you’ll be better prepared to handle any technical problems that could come up throughout your workday. It’s easy to see that in these kinds of situations, knowledge is definitely power.

Written by Guest Writer: Lindsey Patterson

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