Do you accept credit cards at your business? Are you sure that you’re accepting secure payments from your customers? You’ll want to read this to understand how the U.S. government is working to keep you and your customers protected from cyber crime.
In February 2016, President Obama unleashed his action plan for national cybersecurity, what he then referred to as one of the greatest challenges we face as a nation. Prior to this action plan, the President passed the Cybersecurity Act of 2015, making it easy for private companies and the government to share information about threats against our cybersecurity.
Recognizing the need for greater measures, the Obama administration enacted the Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP), providing long-term strategy behind the enhancement of cybersecurity awareness, personal privacy protection, and national security and prevention. The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) was formed as a result of this plan, and they have just released their first campaign that urges those online to “Lock Down Your Login”.
So what does any of this have to do with businesses that accept secure payments online? This campaign and the work of the NCSA are important steps toward creating a more secure payments ecosystem. The payments industry has long worked toward more secure methods to accept credit card payments and continues to be a model of security and customer privacy for other industries. CNAP is just one way in which the government hopes to fight the threat of cyber-crime worldwide.
For more information on the Lock Down Your Login campaign, refer to the White House’s fact sheet. If you would like to learn more about how to accept credit card payments with the help of a credit card processor that promotes safety and security for your business, check out Payline today. Investing in the right security measures to protect yourself and your loyal customers is the best way to do business.