For our Positive Impact May 2017, Payline partnered with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to highlight our positive impact spotlight on Mental Health Awareness.
Throughout the month, the Payline team learned about suicide prevention and education with a Lunch and Learn by representatives of the AFSP. We learned that suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and that on average, there are 121 suicides per day.
To share the message of suicide prevention, 8 members of the Payline team worked an information table at the heavily-trafficked Thompson Center in Chicago’s Loop. Here, our team upheld the tenets of the AFSP by creating a culture that is educated about mental health issues facing our community today. Nearly 60 people affected by suicide or mental health issues visited our table to receive education on what to do if they or a loved one find themselves in a mental health crisis. This small action was incredibly impactful on the lives of not only the people who visited our table, but also on the people closest to them.
Together, we will continue to aim to find better ways to reach those who suffer and encourage our workplaces and communities to make mental health a priority.
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741.
The Payline Team in Action

Payline’s information table at the Thompson Center last month.

The Payline Team at their table ready to interact with community members.
Positive Impact May 2017 Results at a Glance
Looking Ahead to Next Month’s Positive Impact
In the month ahead, Payline will focus their efforts on Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Awareness by working with the Alzheimer’s Association’s Chicago chapter for their 15th Annual Forget-Me-Not Days.The Payline team will set out to inform the community about Alzheimer’s Disease which affects more than 5 million Americans by participating in the Alzheimer’s Association’s 15th Annual Forget-Me-Not Days.
During our service project, members of the Payline team will be collecting donations and raising awareness by handing out packets of Forget-Me-Not flower seeds to plant. Together, we hope to continue to make a difference in the lives of those who suffer from this disease and their loved ones who support them through their illness.
For more information on how to work with Payline and how you can be a part of creating a positive impact, please download our Payline Giving FAQ.